
theBalm Mary-Lou manizer Review

February 26, 2016

I have been craving a good highlighter for far to long and as per usual I did a ton of research before buying to make sure I really buy a high quality product without busting all my money. I first were looking at drug store highlighters but somehow the swatches in the store never were so pretty as they were in the pot. At that point I decided to spent bit more money on a more expensive brand. Looking at all the brands I realized there is a hell lot of a choice and just a few are available in Slovenia. 

Že zelo dolgo časa sem sanjala o tem, da si bom našla dober osvetljevalec in kakor vedno je to trajalo veliko predolgo. Seveda sem porabila stoletja raziskav različnih izdelkov, gledala na vse od kvalitete,obstojnosti,kritike kakor tudi dejstvo, da moja denarnica ni vsega mogočna. Sprva sem gledala večinoma po drogerijah, morda pa najdem kakno alternativo, ki lahko vsaj približno zadovolji tako vsebina izdelka kakor tudi vizualna podoba. Nič. Iskala sem iglo v senu, vse dokler se nisem trdno odločila porabiti malo več denarja in si kupiti zanseljiv izdelek, ki bo nekaj časa trajal. Seveda me je kaj kmalu doletelo kruto spoznanje, da je na trgu ogromno znamk vendar samo par jih je v Sloveniji. 

I heard everyone raving about the Mary-Lou manizer from theBalm. So I went out (to Celje) and bought it. I went to buy it just at the time when theBalm had a promoter in the store to do/fix up peoples make up. I asked her if she could apply the highlighter on me and honestly, first I was scared that it won't be visible on my skin tone and that it just won't look, but right after the promoter applied it on my skin it just had this wonderful glow to it. It lasted on my cheeks for the rest of the day and I even got a bunch of compliments that my skin looks really beautiful, healthy and it had a nice glow to it. 

Veliko sem slišala pozitivnih kritik o izdelku znamke theBalm, Mary-Lou manizer zato sem se odločila, da se ''sprehodim'' do Celja in si ga kupim. Ravno v tistem času je bila tam promotorka, ki je stramkam ponudila da jim naredi make up. Poprosila sem jo če bi mi lahko to naredila in za piko na i dodala še highliter. Sprva sem se ustrašila, da se na moji koži ne bo kaj prida videlo, vendar sem se zmotila in prav čudovit sijaj je dodalo moji celotni podobi. Tisti dan sem dobila tudi obilo pohval, da moja koža izgleda sijajno in prav žari kar me je seveda razveselilo.

If I may I want to call this highlighter a golden pot of shimmery wonder in the cutest packing. All thought it's plastic, it is a good quality and it has a huge mirror inside. Only plus points. I apply it with my beauty blender on my cheek bones, above and under my eyebrow arch, on my cupids bone, a bit on my chin and the very tip of my nose.This way my skin looks healthy with not being overpowering. The highlighter it self is beautiful pigmented, it's just not to much and not to little. You can definitely build it up if you feel like your skin needs more shine. 

Sama embalaža je prikupna , pa čeprav plastična je kvaliteta dobra in vsebuje tudi ogledalo. Nanašam jo na svoja lica z beauty blenderjem, na moje ličnice, nad in pod obrvi, malo na brado in na nos. Sam osvetljevalec ima čudovito pigmentacijo, ni ne preveč ne premalo.  Definitivno ti priporočam če želiš da tvoja koža zasije.

The highlighter costs 23€. Which is a quite reasonable price. Thought it is available cheaper online. And if you are lucky you might get a discount on it. If you liked this post please do share it and don't forget to comment below to let me know your opinion on the Mary-lou manizier

Osvetljevalec stane v Muller-ju 23€, kar menim, da je to zelo dobra cena. A je navoljo cenjši na spletu. Prav tako, z malo sreče lahko naletiš na kakšen popust. Če ti je bila objava všeč jo prosim deli, ne pozabi pa v komentar zapisati tvoje meneje o osvetljevalcu.  

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