
Breath in.... ( Le Couvent Des Minimes Eau Sereine )

March 06, 2016


Čas se je ustavil... 
Tudi za nas na dogodku Le Couvent des Minimes, kjer smo spoznali novo dišavono kolekcijo Eau Serine. Pomirjajoča in osvežujoča dišava sivke in mandarine, spodbuja čuječnost, življenja v sedanjem trenutku, doživljanje sveta okoli sebe tvoje misli in telo.

Čudovit dogodek, ki je potekal v središču Name v Ljubljani se mi bo vsidral v spomin ne le zaradi krasne družbe, zabave ali cakepops-ov. Temveč tudi zaradi kratkega predavanja gospe Melite Košak o čluječnosti, ki te je sprostil in hkrati pustil za kratek čas izgubljeno v mislih. 

O izdelkih, ki so vse od embalaže tja do vonja ter teksture enkratni, so se mi takoj prilegli k srcu, saj sem oboževalka sivke ter modre barve! In the kolekcija me je takoj pripričala z rasežno ponudboPrav primerno za pamper rutino se v kolekciji nahaja peneča kopel, gel za tuširanje, kolokska vodica, krema za roke, in moj osebni favorit, meglica za lahko noč, ki sem jo kasneje tudi našla v moji goodie vrečki.


Time has stopped... 
As it did on the Le Couvent des Minimes event, where we meet the new fragrance Eau Serene. The calming yet refreshing scent of lavender and mandarin, tend to promote serenity, life in the present moment, experiencing the world around your body and mind.
The beautiful event which was in a shopping centre Nama, will last in my mind not just because of the amazing company and all the fun we had together or because of the cakepops. But because the short introducing of serenity, which got me lost in my mind for a moment.

About the products. Since I love lavender and the colur blue the products are all the way from the packaging to the scent and texture close to my heart. The collection convinced me imminently with the wide offer. They are sutable for a pamper rutine there are in the collection products such like, a Bubble bath, shower gel, cologne water, hand cream and my favourite, a pillow mist, which was later found in my goodie bag.

V kolikor te zanima kakšna ocena meglice za lahko noč in za kaj sploh je uporabna, le komentiraj. 

In case you are interested in a review of the pillow mist and if you want to know for what is it even good, just leave a comment.


PS: comment "♥" if you thought of Sailor moon when you saw Serenity

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