
Avon event

September 26, 2016

Recently I was invited to the Avon event, where the lovely girls spoiled us with treats and introduced us to the new Avon Life range. The event was at the beautiful National gallery in Ljubljana. 
The range is parted into man and woman scent ranges. Both have a perfume, body milk, and body spry.  The man scents are quite classic. The woman scent has a strong violet aroma, and on the event I wasn't really sure about it. Now after two days of wearing it, I must say, I'm liking it.
The scents were created by the famous Japanese-French fashion designer Kenzo Takada.  Which is by the way one of my favorite designer. 

Pred kratkim sem bila pvabljena na Avonov dogodek, kjer so nas punce razvajale z sladicami in nam predstavile novo Avon Life kolekcijo. Vse je potekalov v Narodni galeriji, v Ljubljani. 
Kolekcija je v moški in ženski različici, ki obe sestavlja parfum, mleko za telo tek sprej za telo. Moška dišava je po mojem okusu kar klasična. Ženska, pa ima močan vonj vijolic. Na dogodku si ni sem znala nardit vtisa o dišavi, a po dveh dneh nošenja morem priznat, da mi je kar všeč. 
Dišave je ustvaril slaven japonski-francoski modni oblkovalec Kenzo Takada.

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