
Weekend in Rijeka

April 24, 2016

Last weekend I joined my family on a weekend trip to Rijeka. We went to the seaside with a diving clue, since my brother had his final diving exam in the sea. I honestly haven't expected much but a hostel and the sea, but my expectations were over floated imminently. Not just because we had a real apartment with kitchen and all extras and free WiFi, but because you could fall into the sea if you wouldn't watch your step. I was basically chilling. The weather was beautiful except the temperatures weren't really summery, so wasn't the sea. Sadly my swimsuit had to stay in the suitcase. If you were wondering where we stayed, we stayed at the diving centre Kostrena, sadly they mostly are specialized on divers so others can stay there really rarely.

All in one I had a really nice weekend, however I wasn't able to got to Rijekas city centre, so that stays on my list of places to go. I am also sorry for the lac of posting on my blog and on the lac of better edited photos, but after few hours of sleep and a really busy week I hope you can understand. 

Prejšni vikend sem se odpravila na družinski izlet v Rijeko. Odšli smo na morje s potapljaškim klubom ProDive, saj je imel moj brat zadnji izpit za potaplajča. Moja pričakovanja so bila majhna, a so bila kar hitro prekašena, ne le zaradi apartmaja z kuhinjo in vsemi dodatki, poleg tega tudi zastojn WiFi, ampak pika na i je bilo to, da si kar hitro lahko padel v morje če nisi pazil kam stopaš. Skratka, uživala sem. Vreme je bilo imenitno. Čeprav temperature niso bile ravno poletne in prav tako tudi morje ne, zato so moje kopalke ostale kar v kovčku. Prenočili smo v Diving centru Kostrena, žal pa so bili specializirani le za potapljače, tako, da ostali gostje le redko ostajali v apartmajih. 

 Vse v enem sem se imela odlično, žal pa nisem uspela zait v center Rijeke, to še za enkrat ostaja na mojem seznamu "places to go". Žal mi je za mojo odsotnost na blogu, a po le parih urah spanja in napornem tednu upam, da je lahko razumljivo.

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