Golden Rose Velvet Matte lipstick #20 review
January 06, 2016
If you would be standing in front of all of the Golden Rose lipstick, for which would you go for? For me this question was impossible to answer, it still is. I mean the choice is absolutely huge, choosing only one seems impossible. Probably that's why I was standing there swatching lipsticks till my elbow for a good 30 minutes. I would be longer but I had no time left.
So standing there, I first decided on the line of the lipsticks. Obviously I went for the matte ones. But than the colour....the shade....first world problems for a blogger. When I finally got to limit down the choice I was deciding over a simple red or a dark purple... I played safe and chose the red one in the shade 20.
Playing safe has been the right way to go. Not just because I am extremely pleased with the color, but also, I later realized the darker I'd go than patchier would the lipstick be. That is a genial matte lipstick problem. I don't have any problems with this color in fact it is stunning. The velvet matte formula leaves a nice even finish and it is really soft. Most of all I'm happy that the lipstick applyes smooth and butter like. The lipstick is long-lasting, all thought I had to touch it up a little bit through the day, specificity after meals. It has vitamin E which protects and nourishes the skin. It is definitely my favourite lipstick for the winter days, but it tends to dry out my lips so I always put on lip balm first, let it sent and than I apply the lipstick.
Če bi ti stala pred kolekcijo vseh Golden Rose šmink, katero bi izbrala? Zame je na to vprašanje ne mogoče odgovoriti, pravzaprav še zdaj ne vem. Izbira je je velika in izbrati samo eno izmed vseh, bi bil greh. Najverjetneje sem zato tudi stala pred samo kolekcijo 30 minut, saj sem si vsako šminko temeljito ogledala, da sem na koncu imela barve vzorčnih šmink kar do komolca. Saj bi ostal še dlje, če bi le lahko a se ni izšlo.
Po premisleku sem se odločila za vpogled matt šmink, saj so mi te pri srcu. Vendar sem potem zapadla v novo dilemo…katera barva…katreri odtenek…to so veliki in večni problemi bloggerk. Ko sem se končno nekako omejila pri širni izbiri, sem se odločala med odtenkom redeče in temno vijoličaste.
Odločila sem se igrati varno zato sem se odločila za rdečo barvo, ki se nahaja pod odtenkom št.20 . Namig: Varna igra je vedno ''in''. Ne le da sem navdušena in izjemno impresionirana nad izdelkom ter barvo, vendar sem kasneje ugotovila: temnejša ko bi bila šminka, bolj bi bila neenotna. To je konstantni problem matt šmink. S to barvo nimam nikakršnih problemov nasprotno, prav očarljiva je. Žametna matt formula z nežnim nanosom, pusti lepo in mehko sled na ustnicah. Šminka je dolgo obstojna, čeprav sem jo morala skozi dan nekajkrat osvežiti še posebej po obrokih. Vsebuje vitamin E kateri ščiti ter neguje kožo. To je definitivno ena mojih ljubših šmink, za zimske dni, čeprav zna rahko izsušiti ustnice zato vedno prvo nanesem balzam za ustnice, počakam da se vpije nato pa nanesem še šminko.
Love ♥