Beautiful Blogger MeetUp Ljubljana #BBMULJ
October 04, 2015
Last Friday I was able to join the 1st Beautiful Blogger MeetUp in Ljubljana. At this point I want to thank Nika from Beautyfullblog for every thing and every single minute that she spent organizing this perfect event. Thank you to all the sponsors for your presentation, all the answers to our questions and for all the PR products we got. Lastly a big thank you to all the girls I meet and talked to, I wish I could have even more time to meet you all, (I also blame my anxiety and shy-ness) but I hope to see you all really soon. Thank you for letting me be a part of this.
Prešni petek sem se lahko udeližila prve Lepotne blogerske koference v Ljubljani. Tukaj bi se zahvalila Niki, avtorici Beautyfullblog za vse in vsako minuto, ki je porabila za organizacijo tega prekrasenga eventa. Hvala tudi vsem sponzorjem za odlične prestavitve, vse odgovore na naša vprašanja in za vske PR izdelke, ki smo jih prijele. In seveda tudi en velik HVALA vsem puncam, no vsem ki sem jih lahko spoznala in poklepetala znjimi, zelim si da bi lahko imela več časa dabi lahko spoznala vse, a upam da se kmalu ponovno vidimo. Hvala, da sem lahko del tega.
We began the conference with Ajda Sitar and Domen Blenkuš a lecture about the perfect blog photos. After that we also had the chance to create the perfect blog photo, using a white paper, products from Afrodita cosmetics and decortions from Smile concept store.
Koferenco smo začeli s predavanjem z Ajdo Sitar in Domenom Blenkuš, na temo fotografija. Po predavanju smo se še lotili fotografske delavnice, kjer smo še same poskusile naredit perfektno blogersko fotografijo z pomočjo belega papirja, kozmetike Afrodita in dekoracije iz Smile concept store.
After the first lecture we took small brake and sweeten ourselves the most delicious and photogenic smoothies ever. I tried the red one and someone give me the recipe please ^^. Second lecture with Matej Špehar was all about social networks.
Next on the list was the beauty market, where we got to try and meet new brands, stores and products. Some of my favourites there were definitely Melvita, LeCouvent des Mihimes, and YoungBlood, which is a quiet new brand in Slovenia. Of course snack weren't missing.
Po prvem predavanju smo si odahnili na manjši pavzi in se posladkali z najbolšimi in naj fotogeničnimi smoothiji. Poskusila sem rdečega, in naj mi negdo da recept zanj Prosim :). Drugo predavanje z Matejom Špeharom, se je vrtelo okrog socijalnih omrežji.
Naslednja točka na urniku je bila Lepotna tržnica, kje smo preizkušale in soznavale nove znamke, trgovnice in produkte. Nekaj izmed mojih favoritev so definitivno bila Melvita, LeCouvent des Mihimes in YoungBlood, ki je relativno nova znamka v Sloveniji. Seveda pa na lepotni trznici ni manjkalo prigrizkov.
Jure Dole talked about how we can make the most out of our blog and shoot it right into the stars. The main sponsor Afrodita cosmetics introduced their company, work and new products. We also received some goodies. Followed by the round table was mainly about the bloggers and brand cooperation. And lastly we had a small blogger awards for the brands.
Jure Dole je govoril, kako lahko naredimo najboljše iz našega bloga in ga ustrelimo naravnost med zvezde. Predstavil se je tudi glavni sponzor Kozmetika Afrodita, kjer smo tudi dobile nekaj goodijev. Sledila je okrogla miza o sodelovnaju z uvozniki. In na zadnje smo še priredili blogerska priznanja za uvoznike.
The very last thing on the schedule was the Beauty bar with cakepops, cocktails, photo boot, music and a beauty pampering with L'occitane and Lassana.
Na vsezandje je na urniku bil Lepotni bar z cakepopsi, koktaili, photoboot-om, glasbo, ter lepotnim razvajanjem z L'occitane in Lassano.
Before we left home we stooped by the dressing room to pick up a "few" PR bags. from all the sponsors that where and weren't there with us. Thank you for filling up the car and for the christmas in October.
Pred odhodom domov smo se še ustavile pri garderobi, da vzamemo "par" PR vrečkic od vseh sponzorjev, ki so in te ki niso bili z nami. Hvala, da ste poskerbeli za poln avto in Božič v oktobru.
Some posts from my co-bloggers:
Nekaj objav od mojih so-blogerk:
Gejba (Parokeets) - Video
Tamara - CherryColors
Kim - Failed Beautification
Sara - Foreverevereveryoung
Kristina - La Dolce Vita
Kim - Failed Beautification
Sara - Foreverevereveryoung
Kristina - La Dolce Vita
Simona- Beauty of a Lemon
Ajda&Tjaša - Ajda & Tjaša's Beauty blog
Etiketa Magazin
Monika - Sugarlove blog
Sanja - Sparkle with laughter
Maša - Low maintenance beauty
Polona - UniqaPoly
Aleksandra - Angel Beauty
Jasna - Video
Valentina - Charm of beauty
Ina - Hysteria Of Decay
Ana . Mad About Red
Monika - Sugarlove blog
Sanja - Sparkle with laughter
Maša - Low maintenance beauty
Polona - UniqaPoly
Aleksandra - Angel Beauty
Jasna - Video
Valentina - Charm of beauty
Ina - Hysteria Of Decay
Ana . Mad About Red
Love! ♥
Lassana, L'Occitane, Zlatarna Celje, Alessandro, AlpStories, Avon, Clarisonic, Curaprox, YoungBlood, Le Couvent Des Minimes, Melvita, Oriflame, Philips, Vichy, Dvorec Trebnik, Aussie, Catrice, CD, Click2Chic, Essence, Catrice, Eucerin, GoldenRose, Labello, LaRochePosay, Lič, Nivea, Paul Mitchel, Smile Concept Store, Nula, Restart, Grand hotel Union
Adriamedia/ Cosmopolitan